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The Algorithm Design Manual (3rd) Exercise Solution 'E2-45'

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This series is my solutions for algorithm exercises in'The Algorithm Design Manual' 3rd edition.
It's my solutions, not model answers, so if you find some mistakes or more sophisticated solutions, please post in comment area below.



Exercise 2-45


Show that lg(n+1)=lgn+1\lceil\lg{(n+1)}\rceil=\lfloor\lg{n}\rfloor+1


[1] With m (mZ+m \in \mathbb{Z_+}), n is bound by m as following:

2mn<2m+1\begin{equation} 2^m \le n \lt 2^{m+1} \end{equation}

Take logarithm for each hand of (1):

mlgn<m+1\begin{equation} m \le \lg{n} \lt m+1 \end{equation}

So, the floor of lgn\lg{n} is mm.

[2] From (1), n+1 is bound as following:

2m<n+12m+1\begin{equation} 2^m \lt n+1 \le 2^{m+1} \end{equation}

Take logarithm for each hand of (3):

m<lg(n+1)m+1\begin{equation} m \lt \lg{(n+1)} \le m+1 \end{equation}

So, the ceil of lg(n+1)\lg{(n+1)} is m+1m+1.

[3] From [1] and [2], the following relation is derived.

lg(n+1)=lgn+1the answer=m+1\begin{equation} \underbrace{\lceil\lg{(n+1)}\rceil=\lfloor\lg{n}\rfloor+1}_\text{the answer}=m+1 \end{equation}