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The Algorithm Design Manual (3rd) Exercise Solution 'E3-12'

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This series is my solutions for algorithm exercises in'The Algorithm Design Manual' 3rd edition.
It's my solutions, not model answers, so if you find some mistakes or more sophisticated solutions, please post in comment area below.



Exercise 3-12


The maximum depth of a binary tree is the number of nodes on the path from the root down to the most distant leaf node. Give an O(n)O(n) algorithm to find the maximum depth of a binary tree with n nodes.


c++ code.

Traversal is done in O(n)O(n) and the program exits early if the condition is met.

#include <cassert>
#include <concepts>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <memory>
template <std::totally_ordered T>
class Binary_search_tree {
    struct tree {
        T item;
        std::shared_ptr<tree> parent;
        std::shared_ptr<tree> left;
        std::shared_ptr<tree> right;
    using p_tree = std::shared_ptr<tree>;
    p_tree root;
    int size{0};

    Binary_search_tree(std::initializer_list<T> list) {
        for (auto &&e : list) insert_tree(e);
    void insert_tree(T val) {
        auto helper{[&](auto helper, p_tree parent) -> void {
            p_tree *p_tree;
            if (val < parent->item)
                p_tree = &(parent->left);
                p_tree = &(parent->right);
            if (!(*p_tree)) {
                *p_tree = std::make_shared<tree>(val, parent, nullptr, nullptr);
            } else {
                helper(helper, *p_tree);
        if (!root) {
            root = std::make_shared<tree>(val, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
        } else
            helper(helper, root);
    int get_max_depth() {
        int max_d{0};
        int rest_of_elem{size};
        auto helper{[&](auto helper, p_tree tree, int curr_d) -> bool {
            // if tree is null, exit
            if (!tree) return true;
            // update the max_depth
            max_d = std::max(max_d, curr_d);
            // decrement the rest of elements

            // recurse for the left and right subtrees
            if (!helper(helper, tree->left, curr_d + 1)) return false;

            // if the diff between max_degth_at_that_time and current_depth
            //  is greater than rest_of_elements, stop the
            //  sebsequent recursion
            if ((max_d - curr_d) > rest_of_elem) return false;

            if (!helper(helper, tree->right, curr_d + 1)) return false;
            return true;
        helper(helper, root, 0);
        return max_d;

int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
        Binary_search_tree<int> tree{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
        assert(tree.get_max_depth() == 4);
        Binary_search_tree<int> tree{5, 4, 3, 2, 1};
        assert(tree.get_max_depth() == 4);
        Binary_search_tree<int> tree{3, 2, 4, 1, 5};
        assert(tree.get_max_depth() == 2);
        Binary_search_tree<int> tree{1, 4, 3, 2, 5};
        assert(tree.get_max_depth() == 3);
        assert(tree.get_max_depth() == 3);
        assert(tree.get_max_depth() == 3);
        assert(tree.get_max_depth() == 4);
        assert(tree.get_max_depth() == 4);
        assert(tree.get_max_depth() == 5);
        assert(tree.get_max_depth() == 6);
    return 0;