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The Algorithm Design Manual (3rd) Exercise Solution 'E3-2'

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This series is my solutions for algorithm exercises in'The Algorithm Design Manual' 3rd edition.
It's my solutions, not model answers, so if you find some mistakes or more sophisticated solutions, please post in comment area below.



Exercise 3-2


Give an algorithm that takes a string S consisting of opening and closing parentheses, say )()(())()()))())))(, and finds the length of the longest balanced parentheses in S, which is 12 in the example above. (Hint: The solution is not necessarily a contiguous run of parenthesis from S.)


C++ code.

#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

constexpr char PAREN_OPEN{'('};
constexpr char PAREN_CLOSE{')'};

int get_longest_balanced(std::string_view target) {
    // loop to examine whole charactors
    //  if process encounteres '(', count up the counter of '('
    //  if counter of '(' > 0 and process encounteres ')',
    //      count down the counter of '(' and score+=2

    int score{0};
    int parens_open_cnt{0};
    for (const auto c : target) {
        if (c == PAREN_OPEN) ++parens_open_cnt;
        if (parens_open_cnt > 0 && c == PAREN_CLOSE) {
            score += 2;

    return score;

int main(int argc, char const* argv[]) {
    std::string s{"()"};
    assert(get_longest_balanced(s) == 2);
    s = "(a)b(c)";
    assert(get_longest_balanced(s) == 4);
    s = "((())())()";
    assert(get_longest_balanced(s) == 10);
    s = ")()( ";
    assert(get_longest_balanced(s) == 2);
    s = "())";
    assert(get_longest_balanced(s) == 2);
    s = "std::size_t sz{target.size()};";
    assert(get_longest_balanced(s) == 2);
    s = " )()(())()()))())))(";
    assert(get_longest_balanced(s) == 12);
    return 0;