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The Algorithm Design Manual (3rd) Exercise Solution 'E3-36'

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This series is my solutions for algorithm exercises in'The Algorithm Design Manual' 3rd edition.
It's my solutions, not model answers, so if you find some mistakes or more sophisticated solutions, please post in comment area below.



Exercise 3-36


Write a function to find the middle node of a singly linked list.



There are two distinct methods I think up.

[1] One using size infomation traced

Time/space complexity are O(n)/O(1). For using this, the linked list must trace its size and record it during insertion and deletion.

[2] One without using size infomation

Time/space complexity are O(n)/O(n). Instead using pre-recorded size, we store pointer to each node into array during traversal, and once we get total size, we access the middle node using random access to the array.


#include <cassert>
#include <concepts>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>

template <std::equality_comparable T>
struct node {
    T item;
    std::shared_ptr<node> next;

template <std::equality_comparable T>
class Singly_linked_list {
    using mnode = node<T>;

    std::shared_ptr<mnode> head;
    size_t m_size;

    Singly_linked_list() = default;
    Singly_linked_list(std::initializer_list<T> list) : m_size{list.size()} {
        if (!m_size) return;
        auto p_l{std::cbegin(list)};
        head = std::make_shared<mnode>(*p_l++);
        auto prev{head};
        for (; p_l != std::cend(list); p_l++) {
            auto p_node = std::make_shared<mnode>(*p_l);
            prev->next = p_node;
            prev = p_node;
    ~Singly_linked_list() {};
    Singly_linked_list& operator=(const Singly_linked_list&) = delete;

    size_t size() { return m_size; }

    void insert(T val) {
        head = std::make_shared<mnode>(val, head);

    // time:ʘ(n), space:ʘ(1), requiring tracing its size
    std::shared_ptr<mnode> get_middle_using_tracing_size() {
        std::shared_ptr<mnode> p_node{head};
        size_t cnt{0};
        size_t i_middle{(m_size - 1) / 2};
        while (p_node) {
            if (cnt++ == i_middle) return p_node;
            p_node = p_node->next;
        throw std::logic_error("size error");
    // time:ʘ(n), space:ʘ(n)
    std::shared_ptr<mnode> get_middle_without_using_size() {
        std::shared_ptr<mnode> p_node{head};
        size_t cnt{0};
        std::vector<std::shared_ptr<mnode>> p_store;
        while (p_node) {
            p_node = p_node->next;
        return p_store[(cnt - 1) / 2];

int main(int argc, char const* argv[]) {
    Singly_linked_list sll{3, 6, 33, 4, 23, 8, 2};
    assert(sll.get_middle_using_tracing_size()->item == 4);
    assert(sll.get_middle_without_using_size()->item == 4);
    assert(sll.get_middle_using_tracing_size()->item == 33);
    assert(sll.get_middle_without_using_size()->item == 33);
    assert(sll.get_middle_using_tracing_size()->item == 33);
    assert(sll.get_middle_without_using_size()->item == 33);
    return 0;