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The Algorithm Design Manual (3rd) Exercise Solution 'E3-4'

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This series is my solutions for algorithm exercises in'The Algorithm Design Manual' 3rd edition.
It's my solutions, not model answers, so if you find some mistakes or more sophisticated solutions, please post in comment area below.



Exercise 3-4


Design a stack S that supports S.push(x), S.pop(), and S.findmin(), which returns the minimum element of S. All operations should run in constant time.


C++ code.
Findmax() function is also implemented as a functional extension.

#include <array>
#include <cassert>
#include <concepts>
#include <stdexcept>
constexpr unsigned int CAPACITY = 256;

template <class T>
concept Numeric = std::is_arithmetic_v<T>;

template <Numeric T>
class Stack {
    unsigned int i_top;
    T max;  // max value tracer
    T min;  // min value tracer
    std::array<T, CAPACITY> data;

    Stack() : i_top{0} {};
    Stack(const Stack&) = delete;
    Stack& operator=(const Stack&) = delete;
    void push(T item) {
        if (CAPACITY <= i_top + 1) throw std::out_of_range("Capacity is over");
        if (!i_top) {
            data[i_top++] = item;
            max = item;
            min = item;
        } else if (item < min) {
            // insett item+(item-min): value and the diff from previous min
            data[i_top++] = item * 2 - min;
            min = item;
        } else if (max < item) {
            // insett item+(item-max): value and the diff from previous max
            data[i_top++] = item * 2 - max;
            max = item;
        } else {
            data[i_top++] = item;
    T pop() {
        if (!i_top) throw std::out_of_range("No item");
        auto v_top{data[--i_top]};
        if (v_top < min) {
            auto result{min};
            // restore previous min from the inserted value
            min = min * 2 - v_top;
            return result;
        } else if (max < v_top) {
            auto result{max};
            // restore previous max from the inserted value
            max = max * 2 - v_top;
            return result;
        } else
            return v_top;
    T top() const {
        if (!i_top) throw std::out_of_range("No item");
        auto v_top{data[i_top - 1]};
        return v_top < min ? min : max < v_top ? max : v_top;
    T find_min() const {
        if (!i_top) throw std::out_of_range("No item");
        return min;
    T find_max() const {
        if (!i_top) throw std::out_of_range("No item");
        return max;

int main(int argc, char const* argv[]) {
    Stack<int> st{};
    assert(st.find_min() == 10);
    assert(st.find_max() == 10);
    assert( == 10);
    assert(st.find_min() == 10);
    assert(st.find_max() == 11);
    assert( == 11);
    assert(st.find_min() == 9);
    assert(st.find_max() == 11);
    assert( == 9);
    assert(st.find_min() == -3);
    assert(st.find_max() == 11);
    assert( == -3);
    assert(st.find_min() == -3);
    assert(st.find_max() == 11);
    assert( == -2);
    assert(st.find_min() == -3);
    assert(st.find_max() == 11);
    assert( == 5);
    assert(st.find_min() == -3);
    assert(st.find_max() == 16);
    assert( == 16);
    assert(st.find_min() == -3);
    assert(st.find_max() == 16);
    assert( == 15);
    assert(st.find_min() == -8);
    assert(st.find_max() == 16);
    assert( == -8);

    assert(st.pop() == -8);
    assert(st.find_min() == -3);
    assert(st.find_max() == 16);
    assert( == 15);

    assert(st.pop() == 15);
    assert(st.find_min() == -3);
    assert(st.find_max() == 16);
    assert( == 16);

    assert(st.pop() == 16);
    assert(st.find_min() == -3);
    assert(st.find_max() == 11);
    assert( == 5);

    assert(st.pop() == 5);
    assert(st.find_min() == -3);
    assert(st.find_max() == 11);
    assert( == -2);

    assert(st.pop() == -2);
    assert(st.find_min() == -3);
    assert(st.find_max() == 11);
    assert( == -3);

    assert(st.pop() == -3);
    assert(st.find_min() == 9);
    assert(st.find_max() == 11);
    assert( == 9);

    assert(st.pop() == 9);
    assert(st.find_min() == 10);
    assert(st.find_max() == 11);
    assert( == 11);

    assert(st.pop() == 11);
    assert(st.find_min() == 10);
    assert(st.find_max() == 10);
    assert( == 10);

    assert(st.pop() == 10);
    try {
    } catch (const std::out_of_range& e) {
        assert(std::string{e.what()}.compare("No item") == 0);
    return 0;