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The Algorithm Design Manual (3rd) Exercise Solution 'E4-23'

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This series is my solutions for algorithm exercises in'The Algorithm Design Manual' 3rd edition.
It's my solutions, not model answers, so if you find some mistakes or more sophisticated solutions, please post in comment area below.



Exercise 4-23


Suppose an array A consists of n elements, each of which is red, white, or blue. We seek to sort the elements so that all the reds come before all the whites, which come before all the blues. The only operations permitted on the keys are:

  • Examine(A,i)Examine(A,i) – report the color of the ith element of A.
  • Swap(A,i,j)Swap(A,i,j) – swap the ith element of A with the jth element.

Find a correct and efficient algorithm for red–white–blue sorting. There is a linear-time solution.



Partition the array into 3 parts.
Red elements must be collected forward in the array, and Blue ones to be backward in the array (similar to quicksort partitioning).

One traversal is enough to partition them (linear time complexity).


Partition the array into 3 parts.
Red elements must be collected forward in the array, and
Blue ones to be backward in the array (similar to quicksort partitioning).

One traversal is enough to partition them (linear time complexity)

#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <vector>
enum Color { red, white, blue };

Color examine(const std::vector<Color>& v, const size_t i) { return v[i]; }
void swap(std::vector<Color>& v, const size_t i, const size_t j) {
    std::swap(v[i], v[j]);

void r_w_b_sort(std::vector<Color>& v) {
    size_t r_opn_bound{0};
    size_t b_opn_bound{v.size() - 1};
    for (auto i{0}; i <= b_opn_bound; ++i) {
        if (examine(v, i) == blue) {
            while (i < b_opn_bound && examine(v, b_opn_bound) == blue)
            if (i < b_opn_bound) swap(v, i, b_opn_bound--);
        if (examine(v, i) == red) {
            swap(v, i, r_opn_bound++);

int main(int argc, char const* argv[]) {
    std::vector<Color> v{red};
    assert(v == (std::vector<Color>{red}));
    v = {white};
    assert(v == (std::vector<Color>{white}));
    v = {blue};
    assert(v == (std::vector<Color>{blue}));

    v = {red, white};
    assert(v == (std::vector<Color>{red, white}));
    v = {white, red};
    assert(v == (std::vector<Color>{red, white}));
    v = {white, blue};
    assert(v == (std::vector<Color>{white, blue}));
    v = {blue, white};
    assert(v == (std::vector<Color>{white, blue}));
    v = {red, blue};
    assert(v == (std::vector<Color>{red, blue}));
    v = {blue, red};
    assert(v == (std::vector<Color>{red, blue}));

    v = {blue,  blue,  red,   white, red,   red,   blue, red,
         blue,  white, red,   red,   white, red,   blue, blue,
         white, white, white, red,   red,   white, red};
    assert(v == (std::vector<Color>{red,   red,   red,   red,   red,   red,
                                    red,   red,   red,   red,   white, white,
                                    white, white, white, white, white, blue,
                                    blue,  blue,  blue,  blue,  blue}));

    return 0;